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HUGO PAREJA filter coffee - Kawa Coffee Torréfié

HUGO PAREJA filter coffee - Kawa Coffee Torréfié

Regular price 5,00 EUR
Regular price 6,00 EUR Sale price 5,00 EUR
Unit price 33,33 EUR  per  100g
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Roaster: Kawa Coffee Torréfié in Paris, France
Origin: Peru
Preparation: Washed
Variety: Geisha Inca
Flavor Profile: Mango, Citrusfruits
Roasting date: October 3rd, 2023
Packaging size: 200g

About the Coffee

Geisha Inca is a Geisha variety found exclusively in Peru. As a washed Geisha Inca, this filter coffee has relatively few floral notes. Instead, Hugo Pareja impresses with a beautiful sweetness that is reminiscent of tropical fruits. The finish of this coffee has a subtle and pleasant acidity of citrus fruits.

Note on the degree of grinding

Basically, we send our coffee as a whole bean. If you are unable to grind the coffee yourself, please indicate in the comments field when checking out which brewing method you would like us to pre-ground the coffee for.

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